ACTIVITY Metrics are THE Key to Strategy Implementation
Consistency and Reality are the core deliverables of Competitive Advantage. If you tell a customer (client) that they should buy from your organization (or use your organization, if nonprofit) because you do X, Y, and Z that make your offering a TRUE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE, then you must deliver on the promise!
Is Your Strategy a STRATEGY? or Just Plans You Hope Will Work?
Strategy is not a Strategy just because Leaders call it that. Strategic Skills are a combination of ‘Art’ and ‘Science’ There are multiple strategic skills discussed in this article.
Why it is so Difficult for Customer Service to be a Competitive Advantage?
It is shocking how many companies seem to truly believe that their current customer service operation is a competitive advantage.
Why do Employees Work for YOUR Organization?
If we are to believe the recent poll from Monster.com, then a vast majority of people are looking to move jobs as we come out of this pandemic-induced change in what employees desire and expect.
A Dose of REALITY - Strategy vs Culture: A False Argument
I usually don’t have to wait long for someone to post about how “Culture Eats Strategy” on LinkedIn (or see it in a presentation about how to run a business). This usually comes along with an attempt to give it legitimacy by crediting it to Peter Drucker.
Amazon Buys MGM Studios: How Moves by Competitors change the Orthodox Expectations
This is a solid strategy move at a bargain price that keeps Amazon ‘in the game’ on a rapidly expanding customer expectation axis that is being driven by competitors trying to monetize their content.
The Under-Rated Power of taking the time to THINK
The cliché that so many business executives seem to believe goes to the core of how we operate a business successfully. It goes something like, "To get something done, you must act." It is hard to disagree with that statement when we know that strategy only matters when implemented, and most people resist change.
The Myth of Stretch Goals
I've worked with several companies lately that have been trying to put the cart before the horse. Setting strong, powerful, inspiring goals is GREAT IF and only IF done after the organization figures out its true competitive advantages.
YOUR People are NOT YOUR Competitive Advantage
"My people are my competitive advantage, and I can prove it." This statement is the response I often receive when I challenge an executive to describe their main competitive advantage. It is undoubtedly the most politically correct statement that one can make.
Great Strategy Books
Strategy is a problematic issue for Executives to formulate, and it is even more challenging to implement. Many confuse tactics with strategy. Even more believe that pithy, BHAG's will pass for strategy. They DON'T!
Brand is NOT a Strategy
Brands are incredibly powerful symbols for both employees and customers. A well-crafted brand image can certainly attract customers and potentially allow the company to charge a premium price.
NO! Your Company Shouldn’t Be the Best at Everything
One of the mistakes made by managers, leaders, business owners, and executives (whatever title encourages you pay attention) is an approach pushes an agenda claiming that everything in the organization must excel.
Greed ‘In a Word’ KILLS
I continue to be appalled at the recklessness and destruction of lives caused by the self-indulgent greed of a small group of people whose ethical compass must have been checked at the door.
SWOT is NOT Strategy
It is absolutely crucial to get past the myths of strategy before any organization can get to what constitutes real strategy. As with most myths, they are grounded in history are easy to understand and have some face validity.
Do You KNOW Your PERFECT Customer?
Any effort to design an effective company strategy starts with the person or company that actually pays you. Every business should have a deep understanding of their Perfect Customer Group.
Three Keys to Small Business Success during Revolutionary Disruption Periods
There is a theory of business transformation that has been adapted from the scientific literature generally referred to as Punctuated-Equilibrium Theory. When applied to business models, it basically says we go through periods of coalescence and periods of revolutionary change.
Why Your Employees Simply Do What They Think is Best? The Need for Mission Statements
A “mission” statement has a unique ability to focus the efforts of every employee in the company if and only if it is designed well and is implemented with a singular focus that places it above all the daily firefights at the company.
Strategy at Work: Teachable Moments From This Week’s News
The Latest in “Strategy-in-action” from the Desk of Chuck Bamford
A quick, easy to digest update from Bamford Associates, LLC.